Frankenstein’s Xtra Impro Xmas App Edition
2013 is drawing to an end and we’ve decided to round off this years activities with a slightly more easy-going lab with some extra space for improvising and drinking glögg together. There will also be a special focus on ‘apps’ as Anders Monrad and Niels Rønsholdt & Signe Klejs present their work in this field.
Anders has for many years been working with game developers so he’s no stranger to the world of programming. Recently however he’s put a lot of energy into developing his own music apps and will share some his experiences in the complex process of developing one’s own software instruments.

Niels Rønsholdt & Signe Klejs are also in the process of working on their ‘app opera’ Breathless Moment and Niels will present the pilot episode of it.

The lab starts at 17:00 on Wednesday the 11th of December at Literaturhaus, Møllegade 7, Nørrebro, Copenhagen.
There will be glögg and biscuits and something to eat and, of course, beer at the bar.
Contact Jexper Holmen should you be interested in taking part in the improvisation session(s) or simply bring your instrument(s) along.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Update 05.12.13
Unfortunately Anders won’t be able to take part this time round but we can look forward to his presentation at Frankenstein’s Lab next year. I will be filling in his slot with a tryout of some aspects of the ‘twitteropera’ I’m working on. Make sure to bring your smartphone!
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