Bach, Lacy, Andersen, Jespersen
“Would you like to paint a picture that will hang between a couple of Rembrandt’s masterpieces?”
This is something along the lines of the task that the three composers Lil Lacy, Bo Andersen and Hanne Tofte Jespersen have been set by the violinist and composer Kuno Kjærbye.
The composers have each been invited to write a piece of music that will be performed together with Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin as part of a concert series in March.

At Frankenstein’s Lab we will hear the new works for solo violin performed by Kuno Kjærbye, who will also play selected passages from Bach that have a specific relation to the new pieces.
Frankenstein’s Lab invites the audience to join in a peek into the way the three composers have grappled with Bach, and into the music itself via Kuno Kjærbye’s solo violin and live electronics. There will also be a discussion with the three composers, each of which have a very different relationship to Bach’s music.
The evening takes place at KoncertKirken, Nørrebro, and will be moderated by Jexper Holmen.
Admission is free and everyone is welcome!
Check out the event on Facebook.
The Concerts
The compositions are part of Kuno’s concert project, in which he will perform all of J.S. Bach’s works for solo violin, as well as the premiere of a newly composed work at each concert.
The concerts will take place in the Engholm Church in Allerød over three Sundays:
1 March 2020
J.S. Bach: Sonata in g minor and Partita in b minor.
Premiere of Tre satser i kontrast til og korrespondance med Bachs G moll Sonate & H moll Partita i et kirkerum by Lil Lacy.
15 March 2020
J.S. Bach: Sonata in a minor and Partita in d-minor.
Premiere of Reminiscenze - di qualcosa ascoltato molto tempo fa by Bo Andersen.
29 March 2020
J.S. Bach: Sonata in C major and Partita in E major.
Premiere of FANTASIA under indtryk af Bach by Hanne Tofte Jespersen.